Normandy Vision UK Trust

Normandy Vision
UK Trust

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A Christian Mission working in Normandy, France

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Expo-Bible 2010, Houlgate

Expo Bible 2010An Exhibition on the theme of "The Bible" was held in the seaside town of Houlgate, departément of Calvados, from Thursday, August 5th 2010 through to Tuesday, August 24th 2010.


Locating Houlgate

The exhibition took place in le Temple Protestant, home of the Eglise Evangélique de Houlgate (Houlgate Evangelical Church) which is located right on the edge of the beach in the popular holiday resort of Houlgate, which nestles on the coast a few miles to the east of the cross-channel ferry port of Ouistréham (Caen) and the D-Day landing beaches. It is just to the south of le Havre, the River Seine, Honfleur and Deauville.


The main exhibition panels are supplied by the French Christian organisation France Pour Christ, and supplemented with various other materials.

In addition, there was a supply of Bibles, Gospels, Books, leaflets etc. to help those who wanted to find out more about the Bible and its message. Some of these items were available for visitors to buy. Others were available free - leaflets and individual Gospels for example.


DatesWe began setting up the exhibition in the church at Houlgate on Monday, August 2nd. We got the exhibition set up quicker than expected so we were ready to open the doors to the public on a day early on Wednesday, August 4th. The doors stayed open until Tuesday, August 24th. We dismantled the exhibition on Wednesday, August 25th and Thursday, August 26th.


Some of the statistics from Expo-Bible 2010 at Houlgate that give a flavour of how many people were able to learn more about the Bible, about the Gospel, about the Lord Jesus:

  • No. of Visitors: about 550
  • No. of Bibles sold: over 50
  • No. of Christian books sold: over 70
  • No. of Gospels given away: many hundreds
  • No. of Christian tracts given away: many hundreds

Pictures from previous exhibitions

Houlgate Temple Panel from Bible Exhibition Image from Bible Exhibition Image from Bible Exhibition Image from Bible Exhibition Image from Bible Exhibition

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