Expo-Bible 2013 Houlgate
Up until the end of May we were not sure that it would be possible for us to hold the annual Bible Exhibition in Houlgate due to not having enough people able to be on the team this year. In answer to many pleas and prayers, we now have a team of helpers that have come together so that the sixth annual Bible Exhibition - Expo-Bible - is able to go ahead this summer in Houlgate. Houlgate is a seaside town in Normandy, north-western France.
The exhibition will be open to the public for a period of two weeks this summer, from Wednesday, August 7th through to Wednesday, August 21st.
In addition to the exhibition itself, Normandy Vision in co-operation with the Eglise Evangélique d'Houlgate - Houlgate Evangelical Church - organise Sunday morning worship services in English for holiday-makers and tourists whose first or second language is English and who do not understand French sufficiently well to be able to attend the church's regular services on a Sunday morning.
Find out more about the English-language worship services.
Timetable for Expo-2013
- English-language Sunday morning worship services
August 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
Note the UK's August bank holiday is on Monday August 26th. - Setting up the exhibition
Monday, August 5th and Tuesday, August 6th - Opening of the exhibition to visitors
Wednesday, August 7th - Last day of the exhibition
Wednesday, August 21st - Dismantling of the exhibition
Thursday, August 22nd through to Saturday, August 24th
Team Requirements
While we have the core of the team of helpers in place now, there is still opportunity to volunteer to join the team. The basic qualities needed for a team member are:
- Committed evangelical Christians who are in full agreement with Normandy Vision's Statement of Faith and methodologies
- Able to communicate in French to a level of general conversation and about the Christian faith
- Willing to spend at least a week in Houlgate during Expo-2013
- Willing to pay for their own travel and living expenses during their stay
- Not put off by less than luxury accomodation facilities, or are able to organise and pay for their own accomodation
In addition to helpers for the exhibition itself, we are looking for people to be involved in the Sunday morning worship services who are:
- Able to provide musical accompaniment to the worship
- Lead a service
- Preach
If you think that you are able to offer to help, please get in touch with Normandy Vision as soon as possible to find out more information about what is needed.
Application Form for Houlgate 2013
Application Form for helpers at the Expo-Bible online
in PDF format.
Opens in new browser window
If you have confirmed with our office that you are able to help out at this year's Expo-Bible in Houlgate, please print off a copy of the application form and post it to our office address:
Normandy Vision
13 Danbury Vale
United Kingdom
Houlgate Evangelical Church
The church right on the edge of the beach where the Bible Exhibition at Houlgate is held every year. More info about the church in Houlgate.